I've talked about Oolong tea before (BTW, I love it--big surprise right!), and I've talked about the health benefits of tea in general, but lately, there has been a lot, especially over the internet, concerning the supposed "fat-busting" properties of wu-long tea. So you know what that means. In some circles, it's becoming all the rage. FYI, Wu-long and Oolong are the same. The words are used interchangeably.
So what about the information you've been seeing or hearing concerning this tea. With permission, I'm going to reprint an article from an expert on Wu-long (oolong) tea. You will be better informed afterwards. He ends the article with the same advice I've always given. No matter what reason/s you choose to drink tea, drink it mainly for the taste and enjoyment. Nothing can beat that. If you didn't like the taste of it, you probably wouldn't stick with drinking it, even if your goal was to lose weight and use it as a weight loss aid. With nothing further from me, here is the reprinted article:
Wu Long Tea and Weight Loss
Obesity is a serious problem in our modern world and we are always looking for an "easy fix" to help us shed extra pounds. One of the latest weight loss trends is wu long tea (also spelled oolong tea or wulong tea). Will drinking wu long tea really help us lose weight?
Wu long tea is not a new product - it has a long history going back hundreds of years. Wu long tea probably originates in China's Fujian province, but it is now produced in Taiwan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, India, as well as in China. Due to its geographical position and mountainous terrain, Taiwan produces some of the finest wu long tea in the world.
The Obesity Epidemic
According to the American Obesity Association, obesity "is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. Approximately 127 million adults in the U.S. are overweight, 60 million obese, and 9 million severely obese."
These numbers continue to rise every year. The health risks associated with obesity include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder disease, hypertension, liver disease, and stroke. In all, there are more than 30 medical conditions associated with obesity.
Obesity is not just an American problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that more than 1.2 billion people around the world are classified as overweight.
Wu Long Tea
Faced with these startling facts, it's no wonder that governments and individuals are focusing their attention on weight loss. Products designed to help us lose weight "effortlessly" are a big seller, and new weight loss methods are presented with alarming frequency.
So where does wu long tea fit in? Is it a fad or is there some basis for the claim that wu long tea will help us lose weight?
Scientific studies have established that tea is high in health-promoting polyphenols that may protect us against cancer and other diseases. Wu long tea is particularly high in "polymerized polyphenols" which according to a 2003 Japanese study helps to increase energy expenditure.
This study found that energy expenditure increased by 10% for a period of 2 hours after drinking wu long tea. This was significantly higher than the energy expenditure observed after drinking green tea.
Another Japanese study found that wu long tea can suppress lipid metabolism which has the effect of suppressing fatty accumulation and body weight increases. The study concludes that long-term consumption of wu long tea is beneficial for the suppression of diet induced obesity.
Health-promoting compounds such as polyphenols and catechins are present in all types of tea, but hand picked wu long tea is the best source because the pickers are selecting the best leaves from the tea plant. Machine harvesting is indiscriminate - older leaves and twigs are harvested along with the newer leaves.
All the tea on the Tea from Taiwan website is hand-picked and hand processed. If you are primarily interested in wu long tea as a weight loss aid (rather than a gourmet food item) we would like to recommend our Four Season Wu Long Tea. This is our most economical tea, but still an excellent hand processed wu long tea.
We would also like to draw your attention to our GABA tea. This is not wu long tea, but is a high grade tea that has been specially processed to increase the natural levels of GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid). GABA is an important amino acid associated with many potential health benefits including lowering blood pressure, relieving stress, and aiding in weight loss.
Wu long tea is not a miracle cure for weight problems. Weight loss involves following a sensible, healthy diet, and a change in lifestyle to include an adequate amount of exercise. Wu long tea may give you the extra boost to help in your weight loss plans, but it must be used as part of an overall strategy to improve your living habits.
If you'd like to read more articles, find where you can purchase oolong tea, and purchase tea products, go to http://www.teafromtaiwan.com/. They are exporters and educaters of oolong tea directly from Taiwan. Their business is based there also. Try oolong if you get a chance, just for the sheer taste and enjoyment of it. I believe it will become a regular in your tea cabinet. Have a good day and a good cuppa'!
Thanks for this info. I didn't know Oolong was also called Wu-long. I think it's a little smokey tasting, right?
I agree, I don't think there are any miracle diet teas. Sensible eating and regular excercise are always in order.
That makes so much sense! I think the "energy" part for my tired feeling afternoons would be gooood! But really---I could use the weight loss help too! Walking and tea drinking! (Just gotta remember and leave off the icecream!)
e-mom, some oolongs certainly do have a smokey taste, but not all. We do have to remember that nothing takes the place of just a good wholesome diet and exercise.
Angie, I do know for a fact that there is a "non-jittery" energetic feel, unlike what you would get with coffee (if that gives you jitters). Teas chemical components will allow you to have energy but feel relaxed at the same time. It's so neat. Remember, tea is just an aid to a good diet and exercise program. You're right, maybe walking AND tea drinking. Sounds good to me!! Yeah, gotta unfortunately leave off the ice cream.:)
I have purchased my WuLong Tea in loose form for years and it has helped me to keep my cholesterol and weight in check I use this loose leaf tea cup infuser and I can re-brew my tea leaves several times
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