Am I excited or what?!!! Okay Robin at http://www.pensieve.typepad.com/ is just plain old getting pretty famous!! She is the creator of the 40 Words or Less Photo Challenge I like to play on Fridays, and she is the creator of Pensieve's Poetic License, giving any and every one a chance to learn about, read about, and try their hand at poetry, all in a comfortable, non-intimidating, non-professional atmosphere. She simply wants everyone to learn to love and/or appreciate poetry.
Well, she has "one-upped" herself this time. This girl has created a new poetry form. That's right. You heard me. She has joined the league of those who created forms like the clerihew, the haiku, the senryu, the limerick, the sonnet, etc. The list can go on and on. Hers is titled after her blog title--it is called the Pensieve. Here's the really neat instructions on how to write one: Robin says...
"What is a Pensieve? A titled, five-line poem; each line correlates to one of the five senses--sight, sound, scent, taste, touch--and describes the subject (title). The goal is for the reader to take on the poem as his own, being able to "experience" your subject through your words, by seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling what you described. (If you're looking for an alternate definition of "pensieve" and found this post via a search engine, please click here.)
The style is reflective and should leave the reader with lingering thoughts. The name for this poetic form is somewhat of a play on words: the subject is word-drawn from a memory (from the writer's "pensieve" :) ) and reflected upon by both writer and reader, pensively."
Now that Robin has spoken, let's join her for the Pensieve debut. Let's try our hand at this new poetic form. Let's help our blogging buddy go down in H*I*S*T*O*R*Y!!!
Can you tell that this poetry lover and lover of the "take a chance" or "live your dreams" spirit is excited?!!! YOU GO ROBIN!!
Anyhooty, my 3, yes, I said 3 (because I spent an hour yesterday at the park focusing on this before I had to pick my husband up from work--I hope my little "stinkin" work reflects that I put some time on it anyway) pensieves are below. No, they probably won't go down in history like the artform might itself, but I sure had fun at the park!! Without anything further:
Nothing eyes had ever beheld would be as beautiful and magnificent!
She was to be a show-stopper, worthy of loud, vigorous claps.
Florally fresh roses and earthy hydrangeas would rain down her sides and overtake you.
Like Her Majesty, she was to be suave, smooth, regal, embellished, velvety.
While she never made the described debut, she won us over with her southern sweetness.
With big, silver flashlight in hand, I can now "escape" clearly in the dark
closet that pleasantly wreaks with cedar.
Quick! Close the book! Here comes the giant, thundering!
Punishment so near, I can taste it!
I cover the warm, bulb shield with my hand and crouch back. I think I'll go undetected.
He lifted his long arms with wand in hand, to command the players to play.
Wafts of dizzying freshness accosted the onlooker as the players rolled in.
The closer they got, the sound intensified, and it was pleasantly deafening!
They played so fiercely that the notes spewed forth what felt like...rain.
Oh taste and see that the Lord and His creation is good!
Guys, this was so fun for me! Robin, thank you, thank you, thank you! I never get away alone, and yesterday, thinking of what to do for this post, forced me to find just a window of opportunity to do just that, and it was so good. So, even if my pensieves are no good, my escape was well worth it!! Have fun as you go and appreciate others'.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving such an encouraging comment yesterday...
Wow, girl you have writing skills :)
Blessings and stop by anytime, and I will do the same.
And you call ME an over-achiever??? Ai yi yi, you've already written more pensieves than I have! Ha!
So glad you had uninterrupted time to let your imagination FLOW! I can feel the force of the flood that unleashed from your pen :).
Now, hmmm, a favorite of the three? I'd have to say Door # 2. While the first and third painted more beautiful pictures, I could identify best with the second. It reminded me of ME as a child, sneaking and reading just a little bit longer :). I bet you did the same!
Thanks for playing and doing so with reckless abandon!
Thanks for your comment to me. Oh my goodness, your Pensieve's are too good. I can't pick my favorite 'cause they're all three great in different ways. Great imagination!
toknowhim, I love encouraging people when and if I can. Thanks so much for the compliment. Now if I can just figure out how to make this blogger program space between my paragraphs when posted like they are when I type them out, I'd be okay. Everything is so bunched together. I go back and edit, and to no avail. If someone knows what I'm doing wrong, tell me.
Robin girl, I tried. That's all I can say. Hope I did the Pensieve a little justice. Yes, I would sneak and read and risk getting in trouble. I had fun doing this. Thanks for the challenge. Much luck with getting the Pensieve "out there."
You jumped into this project with abandon... bravo bravo!!
What a fun post.
I thought this was great fun too! And I loved your poems. Very creative!
I really liked the 2nd one the best!!! I also love how all three of them are incredibly different! I wrote three as well but put them all into one poem (oops, broke the rules? LOL)!
Wow! I love the second one. I was hiding in the closet with you.
Three? you had to go for three? And here I was basking in the warmth of my baked potato. lol I enjoyed each and every one of your pensieves.
I loved them all. Its amazing what different style have all come up as a result of Robyn's experiment - and yet, every one I have read so far seems to work.
Ah, these were great! #2 was my favorite as well. Nice job!
Ah, these were great! #2 was my favorite as well. Nice job!
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