For all of my regular readers, first-timers, and meme visitors: Like last month, I will be taking the first Monday of every month now, and for just that Monday only, changing my Mommy Monday theme to Marriage Monday. Celebrating marriage--how awesome an opportunity is that?!! So we're going to be doing this once a month indefinitely. Won't you join me? Then, we'll return the following Mondays to our "regularly scheduled program." So keep coming back!! Now, here's details on Marriage Monday:
Dear sister in Christ,
Just a friendly reminder that this Monday at Chrysalis our topic for the Marriage Monday meme will be, "Our Wedding Day."
Here's your opportunity to share the exciting details of your wedding. (Don't worry if you weren't a June bride—we were married in October!)If you've already told your story in an earlier blog post, tell us about your... • wedding reception• honeymoon• wedding vows• funny anecdote • important anniversary
Use Your Creativity
Suffice to say, you can tell your story any way you want! And please feel free to make up your own title to go with your piece. In lieu of prose, you might consider creating a...• slide show• song• poem• video clip • podcast
Bring A Friend
e-Mom @ Chrysalis
Just a friendly reminder that this Monday at Chrysalis our topic for the Marriage Monday meme will be, "Our Wedding Day."
Here's your opportunity to share the exciting details of your wedding. (Don't worry if you weren't a June bride—we were married in October!)If you've already told your story in an earlier blog post, tell us about your... • wedding reception• honeymoon• wedding vows• funny anecdote • important anniversary
Use Your Creativity
Suffice to say, you can tell your story any way you want! And please feel free to make up your own title to go with your piece. In lieu of prose, you might consider creating a...• slide show• song• poem• video clip • podcast
Bring A Friend
e-Mom @ Chrysalis
Now, on with the show! I even chose periwinkle font color, because that was my main wedding color! Hey, what can I say? I do what I can! I thought I'd pick out some of my favorite color pictures that I could easily load. I have way more pictures than you'll see here, and some I'd love for you to view, but it would take me too long to copy them, etc. These were already on the computer. After the pictures, I thought I'd write a neat little poem, so watch for that after the pictures. I sincerely hope that the pictures will speak for themselves, though, for the most part. My day was and still is a major blessing!!

Okay, since it's taking Blogger forever, at least on my end, to upload my pictures, I'm going to go ahead and entertain (ha!) you by writing my poem, publishing what I have so far, and then coming back and adding the rest of the pictures. You'll have to come back and see me more than once then. Is that okay? Just put me in faves today and you'll save yourself some time (you can delete me later:). I hope I can share pictures with you that will be well worth the return.
K & M heard from on high
"It is your time. Here's why:
I have plans for you two,
To honor and worship Me in all that you do.
The two of you shall be one flesh.
Your separate lives you will mesh.
This union is of me, you see."
So then K & M thought of periwinkle, hydrangeas, and icing of buttercream.
It was a long-awaited dream
Of friends, fru-fru babies, flower girls, and usher boys,
Candles, invites, teacups, and toys.
It all came together by prayer and many pennies.
June 24th 2006 came, and there was anticipation 'a-plenties.'
Our guests came from near and far
And were dressed up to par
For the most glorious occasion yet.
Most eyes would be wet
At ceremony's end
Because of the blessed blend
Of two families.
(God, help us please!!)
"I do! I do!" "You may kiss the bride."
K & M beamed with pride!
We did it, and God was our primary witness.
With His approval, we couldn't miss.
He glorified Himself and gifted us with each other.
There is no other
God and mate for us.
Lord, once again, you scored a 10 plus!
We left the church doors for the final day's celebration.
Yea, it's time for the reception!
We feasted on Low Country Boil and fruit,
Homemade wedding punch and other things to boot!
K & M almost missed eating themselves.
Thankfully, we had food hidden on the refrigerator shelves.
Then we greeted, thanked, danced, and made merry
Like some do when they take vows and marry.
As you can see, we took pictures galore.
Oh, these aren't all. Carefully tucked away, there's more.
There are so many more details to our special day and story,
But I'll end by mentioning the Hope and Glory
We have in dear Friend Jesus Christ,
Whose very self will suffice
To keep our covenant and promises intact,
And whose Holy Spirit will show us how to act,
So that the most important thing will happen--He'll be lifted high!
May this happen til we meet Him in the sky!
"Help us be lifelong Covenant Keepers dear Lord.
Help us to all stay on one accord.
Bless our children to do the same.
This we pray in Jesus' precious, Holy name."

I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by, and thank you e-Mom for having Marriage Monday. I really love participating and reading the stories (and being encouraged by others). God bless all of our marriages!!
Your wedding looks like it was beautiful and that everyone was enjoying themselves! I loved your poem! Thanks for sharing with us and making my day!
What a great poem! Your pictures look like so much fun. Everything and everyone looks gorgeous.
Fabulous, wonderful, Amen. I feel I was right there with you. You were a beautiful bride!!! (And your husband has the most loving expression on his face.)
Your poem is fantastic, and I love your soft blues. Congratualions, Mr. and Mrs. (a little belated).
Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today, Peculiar.
Blessings, e-Mom
Wow, I'm impressed! Did you just do that poem? You are so good!!!
Loved your pictures, and the color of your girl's dress and flowers, absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
Just like the bride. Your dress was so pretty!
I really liked the first picture, really neat.
Thanks so much for sharing your special day with us.
Blessing to you and your hubby♥
I liked your writing. Your pictures are so nice too. Lovely wedding, periwinkle is stunning!
I so enjoyed coming over and seeing pictures of your wedding...so beautiful!
And what a talented poetry writer you are!
Great to "meet" you!
LOVE the periwinkle! Mmmmm. And I especially like the last stanza of your poem. Amen and amen, sister. May He enable us all.
Love your poem.
Your pics are gorgeous.....
God Bless you!
I love the periwinkle that you choose. It's just beautiful in the brides maid dresses and on the cake. The first thing that I did was pick out fabric for the brides maid dresses. And the colors in the fabric became my wedding colors. What a special poem that was.
Oh...your poem is beautiful..you're so creative! Thanks for sharing and you've got great photos here. God bless you!
Beautiful - all of it - and the bride too!! Loved your wedding colours. Loved the photo of you dancing too - lol
Thanks to all of you who stopped by to visit me on MM. I appreciate all of your compliments. I thoroughly enjoyed going to all of yours. I loved the stories and pictures and inspiration I read so very much. I can't wait for the next one. Can you? Thanks to e-Mom for hosting such a worthy meme.
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