Okay, you all know the drill by now, but in case you don't, Robin at http://www.pensieve.typepad.com/ takes a cool picture, like the one below, and for a fun Friday challenge, she asks us to write about it in a caption, phrase, poem, title, what have you, in 40 words or less. What does this picture say to you? Oh yeah, you can play along too. Just click on her link and look for the green and black icon like the one above. Here's what I have to say about it...

Nothing but net! Wanna bet!
From this perspective, it would be easier for me to reach the sky.
But I can try.
Me trying to hoop is like putting the post of the goal
Through a small, nylon, net hole.
Okay kids, now your turn. I enjoyed this Friday's challenge once again!!
Yes, ma'am, I'm smiling. LOVE your fun take on this :). Like so often, I can sense your energy. That's a GREAT quality in your writing!
So I see we're both challenged when it comes to basketball. This was good. Thanks for stopping by my first 40 Words or Less post. So you said you were going to check out my the rest of my blog to see what I'm all about. Such pressure to be interesting! Ha ha. If you return I'll know I passed the test. :)
Robin, girl I try. That's all I can say.
Robert, thank you so much for stopping by. I did navigate your site for a while, but didn't get to finish. I will return. And no, I can't play basketball at all!!
I love this one. Everyone has had such a different perspective on this picture and it's been a hoot to read them all.
Mine's up...come on over.
I love it! Good job! Ive truly enjoyed reading everyones post to this photo... very cute! (and I completely understand the sentiment!)
Kim, I've been enjoying reading others' too. Thanks for stopping by.
Tami, thanks. I couldn't play basketball if somebody paid me, but I will try with my kids sometimes.
I’m playing catch-up today … visiting the 40PC entries for Robin’s latest challenge. Your poetic response is FUN and made ME smile ;--)
Sorry to be visiting late, but life’s been BUSY! I did, however post MY 40PC at the end of my Haiku Friday/OSI post if you find time to visit.
Hugs and blessings,
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