*Note before reading the post*
Please forgive me readers. I've been away from my desk for a few days and this is a saved draft from a post I wanted to give you on Thursday. I've stated before and I'd like to tell you again that while I'd like to post every day, I sometimes cannot because I have things that call for my attention that are more priority, like family and church matters. I don't apologize for that, but I do apologize if you are looking for something fresh from me and I can't deliver. I want to though.

A few months ago, I did a book study on Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer. You all probably know her. She is Dr. Tony Evans' daughter-Tony Evans the popular pastor/conference speaker from Dallas, Texas who is broadcast around the nation (at least), from local Christian radio stations. Anyway, Priscilla is a conference speaker and author in her own right and often writes on learning to listen and respond to God with your whole heart.
Have we all thought, at some point, we've heard from God or, we want to know how to hear from God, or when, in our minds, is God really speaking? I used to always want to know if I was really hearing God or I wanted to make sure it was Him and not the enemy. Eventually, I think I got a pretty good handle on that, but doing a group study with Priscilla Shirer's book really helped teach me some new things and confirm some things I already knew. It's mighty good to know the voice of God. It's even better when we desire it. It's best when we obey it.
I want to share some thoughts of those who have figured out how God speaks, particularly to them. See if you can relate. Do you have a desire to hear God or pay attention to His voice more? Do you know how to hear from God? Can God speak to you? Why do you think He wants to? When do you think He speaks to you? Would God ask you to do something you don't want to do? Listen at these thoughts:
"I know the Lord is speaking to me when the voice I hear is always challenging, always convicting, and never allows me to be comfortable where I am. Not having a father, what an honor it is to have One who loves me so much that His greatest desire is to see me grow."--Kirk Franklin
"Things don't change when I talk to God; things change when God talks to me."--Bob Sorge
"His leading is only for those who are already committed to do as He may choose. To such it may be said: 'God is able to speak loud enough to make a willing soul hear."--Lewis Sperry Chafer
"God will speak to the hearts of those who prepare themselves to hear; and conversely, those who do not so prepare themselves will hear nothing even though the Word of God is falling upon their outer ears every Sunday."--A. W. Tozer
"If we come to Him doubting His ability to speak, we will have a difficult time listening. So we must come expectantly."--Charles Stanley
"Two important prerequisites to hearing God clearly are to have an open verical relationship with the Lord and to be submitted to His plan for our lives. If there is unconfessed sin or continued disobedience in our lives, there will be a "closed heaven" above us and a disruption in hearing from the Lord. God cannot draw near to us while we are walking away from Him through disobedience at the same time."--Jim Cymbala

The above one resonates loudly in my heart. I do not like to disobey God. I feel heavily convicted when I do. I don't want a wedge between me and my Lord, and I certainly don't ever want to stop, even for a second, hearing His voice. I need Him...PERIOD!! There are many other useful, insightful, deep, truthful quotes in this study of Priscilla's, from different friends of hers and from the Word itself. It is a life-transforming study. It's one of those few studies I've taken that I would whole-heartedly recommend to my Christian friends and others I know. LifeWay and other book stores have this book and a newer one she has out. Look for it, and consider taking the course with a group or friend. Desire to hear from God, expect Him to answer, obey His voice immediately! Have a wonderful day.

(If you can't click on this box to go to Priscilla's website, go to www.goingbeyond.com.)
1 comment:
This is great info to know.
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