Robin at Pensieve is at it AGAIN!! Giving us these really interesting pictures and asking us to write 40 words or less expressing what it says to us. In fact, here are her words exactly:
Ebony & Ivory, Black & White, Night & Day
This week's Friday's 40-or-less Photo Challenge is simple but with the potential for great fun.
Salt and pepper shakers.
Taken for granted and nothing trendy or glamorous about 'em, salt and pepper make THE difference in everything they season. While I've never known either to be the "secret ingredient" in a recipe, leave one or both out, and even if you can't put your finger on it, you KNOW something's missing.
A weekly photo prompt, Friday's 40 participants compose a 40-or-less-word response and then link it on Friday (please click the button for additional details).
Hope you make plans to join this week; next week we'll be taking the day off in commemoration of Independence Day.
This week's Friday's 40-or-less Photo Challenge is simple but with the potential for great fun.
Salt and pepper shakers.
Taken for granted and nothing trendy or glamorous about 'em, salt and pepper make THE difference in everything they season. While I've never known either to be the "secret ingredient" in a recipe, leave one or both out, and even if you can't put your finger on it, you KNOW something's missing.
A weekly photo prompt, Friday's 40 participants compose a 40-or-less-word response and then link it on Friday (please click the button for additional details).
Hope you make plans to join this week; next week we'll be taking the day off in commemoration of Independence Day.
What do I have to say about the picture below?

(Pepper says to salt) (I'm not counting the words in parentheses)
You're fresh as the ocean.
But, I'm hot!! Sorry, you're not.
Life with you though...EXCITING, not dull or bland.
(Salt says to Pepper)
You're small, dark and round, just like I like 'em-
A little "corny," but you "crack me up."
We're inseperable!
Okay readers, go over to and read everybody else's!
Oooo, I love the dialogue; makes you wonder what spices would say if they COULD talk, huh?
Wait a second, that's what you just did! Silly me :).
(I've added you to my post with a link to this one--thanks for getting yours up early!)
~ Robin
Hehe.. clever. :)
Salt says to pepper - "You fire me up!"
Pepper replies: "Of coarse." :P
Ah .. clever conversation between the two ‘inseparable’ condiments. Well done!
Hugs and blessings,
Robin, thanks girlie. I wonder what other spices would say?
Amber, I just love it!
Storyteller, thanks for stopping by.
A fun approach! Well done, very clever!
Karisma, this was fun, albeit a little more challenging than any of the rest of the photos in my opinion, but fun nontheless. Thanks for stopping by.
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