Monday, June 30, 2008
MOMMY (or mentor/caregiver) MONDAYS #17
Friday, June 27, 2008
This week's Friday's 40-or-less Photo Challenge is simple but with the potential for great fun.
Salt and pepper shakers.
Taken for granted and nothing trendy or glamorous about 'em, salt and pepper make THE difference in everything they season. While I've never known either to be the "secret ingredient" in a recipe, leave one or both out, and even if you can't put your finger on it, you KNOW something's missing.
A weekly photo prompt, Friday's 40 participants compose a 40-or-less-word response and then link it on Friday (please click the button for additional details).
Hope you make plans to join this week; next week we'll be taking the day off in commemoration of Independence Day.

You're fresh as the ocean.
But, I'm hot!! Sorry, you're not.
Life with you though...EXCITING, not dull or bland.
(Salt says to Pepper)
You're small, dark and round, just like I like 'em-
A little "corny," but you "crack me up."
We're inseperable!
Okay readers, go over to and read everybody else's!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Well, the poll is closed and the results are in. 50% of you said that you study with the NAS version of the Bible the most, and the other 50% said that you studied with the NKJV. Interesting. I gave other choices like the NIV and the KJV, but no one voted for those, not that you never use these versions. Funny thing is, I usually will use the NAS at church (and trust me, I'm not pushing or endorsing one version over the other here--no legalism in this for me), study with the NKJV, NAS, KJV, and a couple of other versions, and read and meditate for my nightly devotions the TEV. I use the Interlinear Greek-English New Testament to study sometimes also, but mainly I use it in, Greek class. I guess I said all of this to say, I like using many versions for many reasons. Isn't it great to have several versions of your own, so that you can get a clearer understanding, in a lot of cases, among other reasons?
Well, I'm putting up another poll, so don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of this blog page to take a shot at it, just for fun! There is also a Bible trivia quiz there too, that get refreshed automatically, daily, from the original website to all subscribers. Check it out and test your Bible knowledge. It certainly can't hurt us can it? Talk to you later, if I have time today, for Wednesday Wisdom.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008
A Tip a Day with Ellie Kay: 12 Months Worth of Money Saving Ideas
-$40,000 in consumer debt? Ellie was there and says, “Wipe it out!”-Up to 80 percent savings on groceries? You can do it!-Clothing and household goods at a fraction of the cost? Find out when they are cheapest.-Looking for that elusive nest egg? Ellie will help you find it without ruffling your feathers!
Saving money isn’t just about the dollars. It’s about the things in life your money touches-the products, the people, and the purpose. Saving more means more opportunity to give!
Ellie says: If you can save time while saving a cent, then there’s a greater reward for your effort. If you can save your marriage by learning to communicate about money, then you’ve preserved something priceless.
And if you can send resources to support a child in a third-world country, then you’ve saved something created in the image of God.
So what are you waiting for? Start saving today and every day with A Tip a Day!
Available at your favorite bookstore or Click here to order your book today!
Ellie Kay & Company, LLC 3053 Rancho Vista Blvd., Suite H-102 Palmdale, CA 93551 661-547-6820email: ellie @** or assistant @** or webmaster @**
Note: This is an ‘anti-spam’ email address written so that the robot-spiders don’t read it. Please type the email address without the spaces when you submit an email to us. Do not copy and paste it, the spaces will cause it to be incorrect.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Give it your best shot, post the photo (if you'd like) and a 40-or-less word post on your own blog, then link that post here on Friday. I can't wait to see your's always fun to see how similarly AND how differently we think.
New to Friday's 40? Please! Join us! Just click the badge (or the link) for details.

Let's put a ban
On those who miss the trash can
That's so obviously nearby.
So why
Was someone too lazy to hurl a little farther?
Maybe too tired after soccer?
Nevertheless, this is litter.
Litter makes me bitter.
Seeing this picture brings back to mind the little simple rhyme that you teach your kids at home or the teachers teach them in pre-school when you want them to help you tidy up their mess. You know the one...
Okay, I think I've gotten elementary enough. I shall sign off now. Enjoy everybody else's post. Maybe I'll be more creative next week.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
All right, Laura Salas over at has a photo challenge that's just for fun. So why not give it a try?! Here are the simple, simple guidelines:
New to 15 Words or Less Poems? This does not need to be "good" poetry. No pressure here. For me, it's just a quick way for me to focus on something in my immediate surroundings every day and try to see it in a new way. It does not have to rhyme. It does not have to be poetic. What does it have to be? 15 Words or Less! The title, if you title it, doesn't count toward your 15 words. So, jump in and give it a try. Look at this week's post (photo below) and see what hits you. You can be moody, funny, serious, observant, whatever you want! How hard can it be? I spend 5 minutes or less per day on it. And if I can overcome my fear of sharing horrible, clumsy, pedantic, lousy pictures and poems, you can, too! If we share enough of them, it will be exhilarating instead of embarrassing!
Go to Laura's website (link above) and see how you can play!

Someday, I'll rise
Out of my fetal position.
I'll be able
To face the world.

The picture above is colonial Williamsburg.
All pictures from Family Vacations
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
- Scent: How do the leaves smell? How does the tea smell after it is steeped?
- Body: Is the tea strong or weak? Does it feel full-bodied or thin when drunk?
- Astringency: A pungency or bite that puckers the mouth. Is the drink more or less astringent?
Each tea is different, as is each personal response. These are all characteristics to be savored--the enjoyment of a tea should not be rushed."
Here, here Linda!
I bet you wonder if the stuff mentioned above is really important. They surely are. You'll be able to find the flavor, body, and astringency in a tea that appeals to you, but don't let that stop you from venturing into new territory once you find your favorite. Find new teas and flavors that you've never tried or even considered trying before. How does Tibetan butter tea sound? They churn yak butter and blend it with their tea. Why? Because the butter adds much-needed calories and fat because of the cold region they live in and the work that needs to be done. Definitely an acquired taste, wouldn't you say? Or how about salt tea from Northern Pakistan? Okay, so you don't have to venture out that far, but do taste, smell, and look at different selections of local teas and have a tea-tasting day by yourself or with friends. You'll be glad you did. Try judging the teas using some of the tea characteristic hints from above. Find your favorites and then stock up. Have fun!
(pictures gathered from Wikipedia)
Monday, June 16, 2008
MOMMY (Caregiver/Mentor) MONDAYS (#16)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
What is one of your favorite attributes of God, and why?As individuals we all have unique qualities. It would make sense then that for each of us our FAVORITE attribute of God would be different. Some attributes to ponder would include:
If you are joining us today to CHAT, please leave your link so that others can join in the conversation! Go to
I chose God's HOLINESS. I'm in constant awe of His HOLINESS! Exodus 15:11 speaks of Moses and the sons of Israel giving much praise to God, who, in this passage tolerates no rivals among other Gods, and so defeated all the Gods of Egypt and their worshipers. He proved his faithfulnes, power, and holiness to the people. God's holiness should keep us from putting Him second, third, fourth, or somewhere besides number one in our lives as well. If we worship anything or anyone besides Him, we have sinned against a HOLY (sinless) God.
In Psalm 93:5 (author anonymous), the NLT version says "Your royal decrees cannot be changed. The nature of your reign, O Lord, is holiness forever." What God says (His statutes, His directives, His commands) cannot be changed. They are good and will last throughout the ages. God's nature, the way He rules even, is HOLY! He is Holy in His ways and in what He says. He cannot be wrong or make a mistake. Isn't that sweet assurance? We can trust His every Word. Holy is the Lord God Almighty!
In 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13, Paul admonishes them to increase and continue in love toward one another so that the Lord can establish (or set and strengthen) their hearts without blame (because we know that only Jesus can present us without blame) in holiness (the basic idea of holiness here is "set apart for God.") at the coming of the Lord. Oh, how I want to be presented HOLY (blameless, without spot or wrinkle) at the coming of the Lord!! I know in my own strength and power, this could never be, therefore I present myself to a Holy God so that He can do what only He can do.
I could go on and on about God's purity and HOLINESS, but there would never be enough room or time. He is righteous and just. He is worthy to be praised. He is worthy of all honor and glory. God is HOLY!!! No other false God, in our time, or times before, can claim all of the attributes and possess the total and complete holiness that our one and only true God does. Aren't you glad He chose you and you chose Him?
Friday, June 13, 2008

50% of you said that you would buy something you wanted, no matter the cost, and the other 50% said that you would only buy something if it were on sale. Me, I'm a sale kinda girl and rarely, if ever, buy anything full price. It's just my way, and I've got my reasons, but I asked, and you guys answered honestly. Thank you. And now, there will be a new poll up for the week. Just scroll down to the bottom of this blog page, and participate in the new poll with a whole new question. Thank you for participating. It's always fun to see the responses.
Betty said you'd better butter those babies before I become bitter over Buster betting that Bobby could eat them before me, Betty, who believes that beautiful, hot, buttered corn is better than butter pecan bites in blustery Buffalo.
Don't ask me where this story came from in my head or why this form of poetry popped up, but I just attribute it to the fact that once I saw this picture, I just lost my mind!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
No seriously, it could be this, and Tina Turner probably doesn't know it either. You'd better read on then. She, we, and others may find this little bit of information interesting.
Colors were spoken of in the Bible in connection with literal things, and they also had symbolic meanings. From my studies, the KJV speaks of many more colors than any other version, but all versions make reference to the more popular ones we're used to hearing about, like crimson, black, red, etc. So, what does mentioning the colors of the Bible have to do with wisdom? Well, the more you know and are able to see and understand God's Word clearer (how and why the Bible made reference to certain things in the culture and times that it did), the wiser you are, the more you take that new found wisdom and ask God what it has to do with you or how you can apply any truths or facts you've found to your life. Sounds like a plan to me.
First, I'll make you a list of the colors that the KJV mentions (My only question to this was, "why does the KJV mention more colors or translate over more colors than other versions?" The answer to that is long and would require a whole other post). This longer list will include all of the colors that other versions mention. Then, I'll try and give you a brief summary of what the colors were literally describing and what their symbolic meaning has come to be known as today. The symbolic meanings are either alluded to in the Bible or have just come to be known as such over the years.
(1) bay,
(2) black,
(3) blue,
(4) brown,
(5) crimson,
(6) green,
(7) grey,
(8) hoar,
(9) purple,
(10) red,
(11) scarlet,
(12) sorrel,
(13) vermilion,
(14) white,
(15) yellow.
In addition there are indefinite words indicating mixtures of light and dark:
(a) grisled (grizzled),
(b) ringstraked (ringstreaked),
(c) speckled,
(d) spotted.
(The above list was found on
I forgot the color amber on the above list. It is only mentioned in the KJV in Ezekiel. The Hebrew word for the color amber is Chashmal, meaning glowing metal (NAS) or a shining substance. It is used to describe God's glory and His presence. Symbolically, it is associated with fire and God's judgement in other books.
Bay is the same as red.
Black, as you may well know, is associated with sin, disease, death, famine, and sorrow, passion, mourning, and skin color. It was also used to describe healthy or youthful hair in Leviticus, Song of Solomon, and Matthew. Sym., it can mean judgement.
Blue was used to describe hangings, holy coverings, embroidery, the Lord's commandments in Numbers 15, palace adornments, and royal apparel, and wealth and the corruptions thereof. Sym., it meant heavenly, holy service, and chastening.
Brown comes from the Hebrew word meaning sunburnt or "swarthy" and is translated "black" in the Revised Version (British and American).
Crimson was used to describe fine materials and sin. Crimson appears to be slightly darker than red. Sym., it meant the blood or sacrifice.
Green described edible plants, trees, and a meat offering. It was mentioned negatively once in Leviticus 13 to denote disease. Sym., it means rest, life, growth, fruitful, maturity, and frailty in Psalm 37:2.
Gray or grey is used to describe old age, beauty of old age, hair color in old age, and weakness in Hosea 7:9. Sym., it could mean ash, purification, mourning, and repentance. The word "hoar" mentioned above is the same as gray.
Purple described coverings or hangings, fine materials, and the dyeing trade itself. It was also used to describe beautifying the temple and furnishings. In the books of Mark and John, it described royalty, but in mockery. Sym., it denoted riches, royalty, and corruption of riches.
Red is used very diversely in Scripture, but mostly is associated with blood and war. It was also used to describe skin color, stew, wine, sores or plagues, bloodied water, clothing, horses, shields of mighty men, the sky, pottage, pavement, a shield, sins, and the great dragon in Revelation. Sym., it refers to temptation of sin, vengeance, and war.
Scarlet and Crimson are about the same. Scarlet is used to describe fine materials and thread. Like Crimson, it also describes sin, clothing, and riches. It has also been used to describe purification in Leviticus, Numbers, and Hebrews. Song of Solomon talks about scarlet lips in 4:3. Associated symbolism with the word describes the virtuous woman in Proverbs and beasts, fleshly nature, and brute.
Sorrel occurs once in the Revised Version (British and American), in Zechariah 1:8. It is a reddish-brown color.
Vermilion is used to describe paint on a house and in a portrait. Its color symbolism denotes unrighteousness and lust. Sym., this color refers to rust or corruption and paint or a false covering.
White is a familiar color to most people in its meaning and symbolism. Literally, it was used to describe animals, plant flesh, teeth, manna, leprosy, linen, garments, hair, compared as milk and snow, stone, clouds, fields, coriander seeds, and a throne. Sym., it means purity, refinement, heavenly, righteousness, victory, and even false righteousness in Matthew 23 and Acts 23. You will also see it compared to the "milk of the Word" or first teachings.
Yellow is used to describe leperous hair, gold, and pavement in Esther.
For the sake of time and space, I won't discuss the indefinite colors that indicated lights and darks of color mixtures.
This was an interesting study to me. It will help you read and see the Scriptures in a whole new light. It will help you envision what the passage is describing and see clearer what the author meant or was trying to convey. It will help you delve into the culture of the day and understand Scripture contextually. I hope you can use some of the information I've presented here. It is by no means all-inclusive or exhaustive. There are probably many more instances of color usage in the Bible, but this will give you a great start and will help you study and research for yourself.
Have a colorful and wise Wednesday!
(My research and resources have come from the Bible, Webster's dictionary,, and other web/internet sources)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Surround yourself with pleasant things, even something that smells good. Indulge all of the senses. Your tea will indulge your palet. The smell of lavendar or a spring fruit will indulge your nose. The soft feel of a tablecloth or texture of lace will be a welcome addition. The pleasant view of a portrait of family or a picture will be nice to look at. Have the latest book you've been wanting to finish and your Bible nearby; maybe a notebook or journal and pen should be there too. If you like antiques, add a quill pen and old ink bottle with mottled paper. Add a vintage frame with a favorite grandparent or aunt. There are so many things you can do. These are more "vintage" or older looking ideas (my favorite), but if you're a more modern person, add modern art, an ecclectic vase with exotic flowers, modern jewelry on a vintage neckstand, a cool, chic lamp, and something thrown across the back of the chair.

Making your space precious and even memorable, if you'll be having company, just makes for such a complete tea experiene. You can even use the tea leaves or tea canisters themselves as decoration and scent. You can place dried tea leaves in vintage bowls on nearby tables. This is great decoration and tea leaves have a slight scent. I have seen some beautifully decorated tea canisters that will serve as readily-available, beautiful decoration, if you already own them. Don't hide them in the cabinets; bring them out and use them double duty! I have included pictures throughout this post to give you some ideas. Play around with these and some of your own great ideas and create your "tea scene." Keep some permanent things in place in "your spot" so that you won't have to re-decorate every time you are there. Change out for the seasons or special occasions though. This will be fun too.

Pictures courtesy of,,,,, and