For today...
Outside my appears that Fall is already here. Now, I'm sure all are happy about that, but not me. Why? The impending winter months. I like only the colors of Fall and maybe the first few weeks when it is still warm enough for my cold-natured tendencies to be able to tolerate it. Fall also means less light. I thrive and function better with more light in my life. Add warmth to that, and I'm a happy camper.
I am thinking...that I wish I could have seen my little baby nephew while I was in Memphis this past week. He waited until I came back home to be born, in fact the very hour that I arrived back in my city.
From the learning of my girls is doing an entry to my (using Peggy's idea, but changing it a little) version of TSWD. We call it The Simple Young Woman's Daybook. The other daughter is reading an entry from her McGuffey Reader and struggling with some of the archaic but beautiful words the author of her story uses. I love the McGuffey Readers!
I am thankful for...the healthy and quick delivery of my newborn nephew (I wonder if my whole daybook entry will be about this child. You can see how happy I am about his birth). He weighted 8 pounds and 9 ounces.
From the kitchen...the water is boiling for the preparation of my daily dose of oatmeal. I love oatmeal, and I have a bowl of it or cream of wheat every morning. I put butter, cinnamon, and sugar in my oatmeal. I put butter and sugar in my cream of wheat, but sometimes, I will add a sprinkling of cocoa powder to it and make chocolate-flavored cream of wheat. It is delicious!
I am pajama shorts with white stripes and a grey, ribbed, short gown with my white satin house slippers. Yeah, real cute huh?!! I can say that I'm quite comfortable though:)
I am reading...the books from a Janette Oke series. There are 8 of them, I think.
I am get to see my new little nephew before he gets too big and cries when introduced to me because he doesn't know me, to have a good homeschooling week, that God answers prayers of provisions we need, that my oldest son progressively gets better in his decision-making now that he's 18, and that my youngest son makes wise, Godly choices while in public school.
I am creating...a beaver dam with my youngest daughter for science. This is going to be interesting!
I am daughter talk to me about the "photo thought" she chose for her daybook. She chose a picture of a baby with lots of curly hair and as fat as can be (I think she's thinking of the same thing that I am, our new little addition to the family...okay MY NEPHEW who was born yesterday!!!! I'm so excited!)
Around the usual, laundry needs to be done, especially since I'm just back from my Memphis trip. It looks like the guys didn't wash while I was away. That's okay though. I like doing my own laundry, and they like it when I have the lanundry all clean and ready for them to put away.
One of my favorite to cuddle up and give lots of attention to my husband and kids after being away from them any length of time. I was in Memphis a whole week (I did take the girls with me), and I really missed my husband and my boys. I called them often, but of course, that was not the same. God really allows me to appreciate them more after I've been away from them. They are precious to me. I am thankful for the gifts that they are to me.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Get things back together in the house, with the kids, and in my mind after being away a week, pick up where we left off in Memphis homeschooling the girls, get some homeschool plans together for next week, and get back to my doing more reading of the Word (didn't get to do much for "soul nourishment" while in Memphis--just for a study I was working on).
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...(photo from the Anne Geddes collection at
Babies and flowers--two of my favorite things!!
If you want to share in someone else's day or share in the idea of this daybook, go to You'll be glad you did. That's Peggy's place and the daybook entries are her idea. And it sure is a good one, I'll say!! Have a wonderful day today.
CONGRATS ON THE HEALTHY BIRTH OF YOUR NEPHEW!!! What's his name? Did I miss that part?
Congratulations to the birth of your nephew. How exciting for the family.
Hope you've had a productive day getting laundry back in order after your trip.
Sounds like you have a wonderful week ahead. Congratulations Auntie. Isn't that Janette Oke series just wonderful? It's one of my favorites after Anne of Green Gables.
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