I'm so EXCITED to be joining this meme or circle!! I just love the whole concept. I won't go into detail here, because I want to get started with my daybook, and I want you to read mine and the others' that participated. You can go to http://www.thesimplewoman.blogspot.com/ and look for The Simple Woman's Daybook label or icon in the sidebar. Click on it, and it will give you all of the details. You will be so happy that you found this blog! This is Peggy's blog. She says she's simple, but her words, skills, and creativity, praise God, are profound! Go see for yourself. So now, on with my first daybook entry...
FOR TODAY (August 18, 2008)...
Outside My Window...is a dry, steeply slanted (upward), hill that only has sparsely populated grass patches here and there because of the tree canopy coverage. The tree brances are not allowing enough sunlight to filter through so that the grass can grow, but in its own way, this area is still beautiful. I have to walk up this hill to get to my mail box. I don't mind the exercise.
I am thinking...that I need to pray for my husband throughout the day today. He is concerned about our budget, but he knows that God will provide. I thank God for him.
I am thankful for...the provisions that God has already provided, the ones we have that are tangible, and the ones we can't see, but we trust in Him for.
From the kitchen...I can see where my son, whose turn it was to clean the kitchen last night, decided not to clean the counters and sweep the floor. I woke up to a not-so-tidy kitchen this morning. Wasn't thrilled, but he'll fix that problem after school.
I am wearing...black sweat pants and a white t-shirt with purple writing on it that says "Cut Out Domestic Violence." There is a picture of scissors on it and a family that the scissors are cutting through. I used to work at a Domestic Violence shelter. I'm also wearing my white, satin house slippers. So comfy, although they're so old.
I am creating...a daybook for my girls because I love this idea so much. We will call it The Simple Young Woman's Daybook and the starter statements (some of them) are a little different, plus I added 3 more, that were more relevant for teens and pre-teens or their "space" in the home. They're busy writing in their journals right now and finding picture thoughts to add. I think they're going to love this. Thanks for doing this Peggy!
I am going...to pay my son's cell phone bill today. Otherwise, I'm home with the girls (my two and the one I sometimes babysit) today. I love being home!
I am reading...excerpts from John Piper's Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and Women of the Bible (I can't find my book just now to tell you the author's name). I'm using these two, in conjunction with the Word, to get ready to speak on Being Satisfied in Your Season of Singleness, to a group of Christian singles in Memphis, at a women's conference in November.
I am hoping...that God opens doors and provides for us to go on more mission's trips that are planned for this year...only if He wants us to join these teams and go and minister to the particular places we've thought about going.
I am hearing...God speak to me softly and consistently saying, "I am bigger than your needs, bills, problems, etc. I am God. I will provide for those things that I have promised."
Around the house...I'm looking at straightening and laundry that needs to be done. I will soon have a load going while I round out our homeschool day. The straightening and tidying my girls and I will do together.
One of my favorite things...today is getting some of the exciting things I wanted to start with my girls done. I'm excited about the new ventures we've embarked upon in homeschool today. I'm excited about what's to come. Thank you Jesus for ideas and creativity.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Remember to pick my son up from after-school "Raiders" practice on time each day he has it (my girls are homeschooled, and my son attends the local public school), finish all of the laundry, pray about the classes I'll be teaching outside of home and/or co-facilitating, continue to pray for my husband in specific ways, and wait for an answer from the principal of my son's school about teaming with a group of moms to come up to the school and do a prayer walk, once a week, around the school.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

What a great Meme! Your answers are fantastic - I love that even though you're "Peculiar", you're just a normal wife and mom like me. :) Thanks for the picture - it's good to see your lovely face! (BTW, the headpiece makes you look like an exotic princess!) Great post - thanks for sharing!
Wow, this was really good, I think I may join in on this Meme!!
Blessings to you my sweet friend♥
Hi--thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. To answer your question--those two little girls are my nieces. I took that pictures while we were on vacation. They are about 16 months apart and have the sweetest relationship. They were getting sleepy and were waiting for their mommy to take them home for a nap when I took that picture.
I love the idea of having my girls do a daybook too. We are also homeschoolers and my oldest is going to be doing a lot more writing this year. I think she'd love to do this every Monday! Thanks for the idea!
I agree with Blessed One about the princess. Now I feel that I have met you.
Your entry is wonderful.
A younger person's daybook is a lovely idea.
I've seen these before and I think they look like such fun ideas!!
I wanted to stop by and say thank you for your sweet comment on the prayer blog. It is people like you, that God brings to the blog, that He uses to bless me and keep me going with it. Thank you so much for that.
I cannot believe its been a year since the prayer blog was created - I really do need to do a post about how much it has brought to my prayer life and how God is using it!
Leigh Ann aka Momma Roar
Ditto on the headdress, Peculiar! You look positively regal, like a real daughter of the King! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Your comments are always so insightful and encouraging! Blessings to you!
Tracy, Exotic Princess? Waaayyy too kind, but thank you so much. My husband said he thought the same thing when he saw it, and I almost laughed at him. I guess we don't see ourselves like others do, but evidently, not only does that keep us humbled, but we can actually genuinely say thanks to a compliment. Yes, I'm just a regular old mom and wife. I'm Peculiar because of 1Peter 2:9 (a peculiar people, called out of darkness into His marvelous light). I love it when you stop by. You're always so thoughtful and encouraging. I hope your vacation was a pure blast!!
Susan, I think you'll love this meme. Please join. I can't wait to read what your thoughts would be. Thanks for stopping by.
Tiffany, thanks for stopping by. My girls are thoroughly enjoying their daybook idea. We were just supposed to do it on Mondays, but they have liked it so much that we do them three times a week.
Linda, ditto on what I told Tracy, the Blessed One. I really appreciate it though.
Momma Roar, thanks for stopping by, and your blogs are a major blessing. I stop by as often as I can.
Butterfly Catcher, A Real Daughter of the King, now I'll take that, thanks to God alone! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the compliments. Glory to God!
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