Wednesday, May 7, 2008



Nevertheless, God is in control, whether people believe it or not or whether they can see that fact or not. The truth will never stop being the truth, just because someone chooses not to believe it.

I have friends and family members that feel like they've been under attack all week long. It just seemed like a common thread and conversation going throughout everyone's home and life that I've talked to in the last few days. The funny thing is, they've all had deadlines and/or projects for the Lord that they've been working on, and have felt like everything in the world has tried to thwart the plans and stop the action. Well first, let's be assured that if we're on God's timing and about His agenda, no weapon in hell shall prevail against it, so...the plan will go through! But, guess what else? 'Everything in the world IS trying to thwart the plans and stop the action.' The enemy is the prince of the powers of the air and this world, and he is throwing all he's got in his arsenal (in this world-in the seen and unseen world, but still this present age) at anything and anybody that represents God and is into Kingdom- building.

You guys, we're at the end of this present age. As far as I'm concerned, we're in the last days. And yes, I know, every generation since whenever has thought the same thing, but were they paying attention? It's like salvation, YOU CAN KNOW! And I believe if we're in the Word and watching what's continuously going on around us, we can clearly see that we're in the last days. That being the case, the enemy is giving it all he's got, and we need to be aware, stay prayerful, stay vigilant. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but all the tools and weapons necessary to do the battle that, by the way, IS ALREADY WON. Now I'm not saying take on the enemy in your own strength, your own way, etc. I believe (my personal belief, so don't shoot me here and you don't have to take it as Gospel) that we're no match for the enemy. But God...!!! He tells us to stand and assures us that we can!
I've heard that there are 3 ways to combat the wiles and tricks and attacks of the enemy or how to deal and stand when we're in spiritual warfare, and my friends, if you're a friend of God's, you will have to deal with the enemy in some shape, form, or fashion in your Christian walk. If you don't, and everything is smooth sailing all of the time, you'd better go back and do business at the throne...for assurance sake, if you know what I mean! I'm just saying!! Anyway, back to the three ways I mentioned above: I've heard (and practiced) that you must pray and pray without ceasing during these times (as we always should anyway) and pray intentionally, read God's Word, especially those verses pertaining to what we're going through, God's promises to us, and psalms of victory (God ALWAYS makes good on His promises, but everything is according to His will and His timing), and ask God if this is when you need to consider fasting. There are some matters that God may call you to fast so that you can focus completely and solely on what He is trying to communicate and work in and through you. He's so good that while you're focusing and surrendering to Him, He's working out your other problem and you're on the other side of it before you know it. He's good like that!!

In this life, you will have troubles. The enemy's agenda is to take as many to hell with him as he can, but for those of us whom he can't take, his plan and attempts are to render you useless for the Kingdom. Know your enemy, but don't dwell or focus too much there. Know your big and awesome God more! Use what you've learned in God's Word and your experience to know what you see when you see it, but focus on the promises and works of the Almighty, and He is the only Almighty!! God's plans will move forward, and He uses those whom He has created to get the plan done or carried out. Those of you in ministry and just doing God's business in general...STAND!! And when all else fails...STAND!! We're exactly where God wants us to be and we're a part of His plan. You see, He has an agenda too, and that is to do the exact opposite of what Satan is trying to do, to take as many of us who open the door that he knocks at to heaven with Him, and spend eternity together. That's the way He would have it. He also wants to give rewards to those who have been faithful. Would that be you my friend?

If you don't know Him, get to. If you do, faithful ones, may God pour out a blessing for you that you can barely contain! Stand and be faithful. Keep plodding along. Our God in heaven will be glorified. After all, what else are we here for?

Be wise this Wednesday!


Susannah said...

Wonderful words of encouragement! I like your enthusiasm and passion. I agree. I believe we are living in the last days. And we do have an enemy that's up to no good.

But greater is He who is in you, then he who is in the world.

Have a blessed day!

Peculiar said...

Thank you e-mom. I love it when you stop by. You're so encouraging! I have passion when it comes to matters of Christ and what He has clearly shown me. God is so good!! You have a blessed day too!