Saturday, May 3, 2008

Poll Answer and tea giveaway winner

The answer to last week's poll was the Scelbi. The original question was, "which one of these was among the first of home computers?" I had provided a few choices, and no one got it right. The Commodore 64 was what everyone thought. Well, good guess. I remember my dad buying us one of those. I thought it was the first home computer. Little did I know at the time, computers had been out, especially in businesses, for a long time. But hey, I was young, it was the first machine I had ever seen like that in anyone's home, so that's what I thought. We were the first ones in our neighborhood to have one. It was cool.

There were many computer-like machines out a long time ago, but the Scelbi was among the first two inventions of a home computer for personal use.

And now for the good news---NO KIDDING, PATRICE H. WON MY TEA GIVEAWAY CONTEST...AGAIN. And no people and Patrice, it wasn't planned just because I do love you. It was totally random and hubby picked the names. Hey, if you keep this up Patrice, I will never have to spend money on shipping prizes out, although I don't mind. Let me also ask your apologies for getting this news and the tea out late. I didn't forget, but I had trouble with the ordering at first (didn't know I'd have to call to order rather than just order online), then I had to put this off because I got bogged down with other things. I'm never late on my giveaways, so please forgive me. I'll try not to let that happen again. My goal is to have my winners their prizes by the end of the month. Anyhooty, your tea is on the way. I will privately email you when it's in, and of course, I will hand deliver. Thank you for your patience. Blessings to you!!


Anonymous said...

WOW! I am so excited!! Thanks!! I can't wait to try the tea!! I have been trying to get us ready to go a little Sun.- Mon. getaway for the girls' birthdays. I'll see you on Wed.

Peculiar said...

You're so welcome!! It was all about you again, my friend!! Hope you and the girls have fun this week. See ya. Maybe when I start to get a lot more readers who enter the giveaways, it will dilute the list of entrants, and someone else will have a chance to win, and it won't look like this is staged! If you know me, you know it wasn't, but I'm sure you have no complaints about winning! Love ya!