This is pre-posted. I pray that you've had a wonderful day in the Lord. Take some time to be still this week and hear His quiet, consistent, loving voice.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Be Still Sundays
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Though I don't have regular access to a computer right now, I'm glad that the Lord allowed me a chance to make it to the library on...TUESDAY!! It's my day to do my tea post! Yea!! I like all of the days I'm allowed to post, but today just happens to be a day that I can think of something I've already done or studied or can easily talk about and welcome you to try what we discuss for yourself. When its tea day, I can type out familiar or fun things pretty quickly, and don't have to spend a lot of time studying and rushing to get it done at the library because someone may be waiting in line to use the computer. Whew!!!
Well anyway, I want to invite you to have a tea bath. It involves 4 steps total, but you can do all or 1 or however many you want to try. This is pretty easy and it's pretty relaxing.
First you'll want to save your green tea leaves that you had in your cup this morning or the night before, and place them in cheesecloth (this will keep the leaves from clogging your drain or sticking to the sides of the tub), or, you can use fresh green tea leaves. For added scent and if you can get hold of some, add rose petals. I like to do this AND add powdered milk for a "green tea milk bath." You can go one "worth it" step farther and place all of these ingredients in a bowl and add essential oil or fragrance oils of your choice. Place the cheesecloth or bag in the tub while your hottest water is running (as hot as you can stand it so that everything can "steep"), wait about 5 minutes, mix your water around (your bath may be tinged a pretty emerald green--none of this will hurt you unless you're allergic to one of the ingredients), step in, lay back, and relax!
We're not finished! I forgot to mention that you need to have made yourself a warm, refreshing, inviting cup of your favorite tea first. Take it into the bath with you. Make sure to have it in a pretty cup. That just enhances the whole experience.
I would have already taken my real bath first, so as to remove all the oils and dirt from my skin, so that by the time I'm ready for my tea bath, it's just a pleasurable soaking experience. You just soak as long as you like and then rinse your body with warm water when you're done. Pat your body dry, then, and here comes the next or third step, rub and/or sprinkle luxurious green tea products on your body to keep it moist and supple. There are many products out there to choose from. I can't recommend one. I'm not sure if what these products really tout as benefits work, but again, it will enhance your whole tea bath experience, so why not?!!
Oh yeah!! Did I mention that you should find some great soy (in light green color, of course) or green tea candles to place around your precious bath? Well, it'll be worth finding some. This will definitely set the mood. There are many many choices for green tea candles like there are green tea bath products out there too. As a sweet thing to do for your daughter or husband, draw them a green tea bath (hubby might not care about the scent or the rose petals). They'll love it and the effort you put into it. Even my boys, when they were young, enjoyed just plain old milk baths. Maybe I'll do another post one day with green tea bath and milk bath recipes so that you can have many alternatives to choose from.
I wish I could do pictures for this post, but again, I'm at the library, and I can't save and post them to my blog. Oh well, just use your imagination and then let it take you to a warm, relaxing bath.
Have a great green tea day today!!
To all of my precious readers, new and old, I would like to explain to you where I've been and encourage you to keep checking in with me.
My home computer is no longer running, so I've done everything from go to a precious friend's house to blog and look at other things I need, to go to the library, which is where I am now. I will have my computer running again, hopefully in a couple of weeks, or I will be trying to make more visits to our local library. No, going to the library a few more times than I usually do a week isn't convenient, but it's better than not having access at all. I'm also looking into getting a laptop, but only God knows whether we'll be able to afford that or not. We'll see.
Please be patient with me. If you don't hear from me for a few days at a time, I am still out there, just not able perhaps, to make it to some place with computer and/or internet access. The funny thing is, not many days after I went to a friend's house to do my last post, her computer went out too. With her, she believes that she had previously gotten a virus or bug on her computer and neglected to take care of it until it fried her hard drive. So now, I can't even go to her house which was not 5 minutes from mine. Oh well...:)
How Do We Get There From Here? is still a viable, up and running blog so, don't take me off of your "visit list" or put me out of your mind if you enjoy visiting here. I'm glad you find my blog interesting enough to stop by. I always say that I am surprised but so humbled by that. There are so many great blogs out there. Thanks for being so loyal (or just plain curious about me) up to this point. Hopefully the Lord will allow me to continue.
You'll be hearing from me soon. Have a wonderful day today!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008